

Extensive studies have been made of the physiological and psychological benefits of meditation, but I prefer to simply relate the benefits I’ve experienced personally from this practice:

  • I feel more mental peace.
  • I am much more emotionally balanced. I am a musician and I can tell you that this is a very real benefit for someone with a somewhat “artistic” temperament.
  • I am more creative. I have always practiced a variety of creative arts, and when I started meditation I felt that I’d tapped into a rich new spring of inspiration, ideas and insights. Many writers, musicians and thinkers report that their inspiration usually comes when the mind is quiet. It seems quite natural that the calming effect of meditation should give us easier access to the deeper, creative level of our minds.
  • I discovered a profound Sense of Purpose in life. I have a growing sense that all life is moving in a positive direction – towards greater awareness, towards a greater feeling of oneness and harmony. I feel that I am also a part of that same flow of conscious evolution.
  • Improved self-awareness. Introspective practice makes us more aware of our own motivations and qualities. This is not always a comfortable thing, but if we don’t see ourselves as we really are, how can we improve? More often it is inspiring to discover the amazing potential within ourselves.
  • I have a developing sense of universal love. As I am more in touch with the source of my own consciousness, I am more aware of the consciousness in everything. I feel more love within my self, and greater love and compassion for others. This naturally helps me relate to others more easily.
  • I enjoy good health – I lead a very busy life – I travel frequently and there are constant demands on my time. Yet I do not suffer from the stress related illnesses that afflict many busy people. Meditation and the natural lifestyle associated with it are definitely a recipe for a long and healthy life.
  • Improved will power and concentration. Over the years I have noticed my mind becoming clearer and stronger. If we exercise a physical muscle, it develops. The same is true of the mind.
  • I really enjoy meditation. Sometimes it is hard work requiring concentration, but when it really flows it can be intensely blissful – more blissful than anything else I’ve experienced. It is far better than taking drugs, or so I’m told.
  • I am happy. I don’t suppose I’m the happiest person in the world, though I’m working on it. But I know that I am much happier than I was before I started on this path, and this feeling has grown over the years. Who wouldn’t be? I’m more emotionally balanced, more creative, I’m developing as a person, I sense a profound meaning in my life, I feel more in tune with the universe, closer to people, I feel more love. Of course I’m happier. I’d have to be crazy not to be!