Regional Spring Seminar ’22

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Regional Spring Seminar ’22

“Even a golden vessel needs polishing occasionally. Unmaintained it gathers dust and dirt and loses its lustre. Similarly, even a good person or a sádhaka needs proper maintenance, for in a world of constant change, care must be taken that the change be always towards the better or the higher. Keeping good company is essential for this positive development….good company is conducive to liberation and salvation. The keeping of good company is … known as satsauṋga. When satsauṋga is followed, either physically or mentally or both, the subconscious mind, and thus the conscious mind, are charged with better and higher influences. This change will move the follower forward towards higher and better goals.”

For these reasons, as well as others, we invite you to our Spring Seminar (Retreat) for London Region.
This upcoming seminar will be held in Gloucester, from Friday April 15 (4pm arrival) to Monday April 18 (3pm).
Activities will include kiirtan, dharmacakra, sadhana shivir, kathan kiritan, bhajan evening and open panel discussions on relevant and current topics.


Price for entire seminar:

  • Adult (over 18) – £95 (early bird discount)
  • Children (over 8) – £30
  • Under 8 years – No charges
  • Camping – £70 (no camping equipment will be provided).
    *The early bird discount applies until 21st March.*

We will each need to bring our own bedding (sleeping bag, sheets, etc) and our own towels. Beds are provided.

*Registration closes on 8 April.* This is necessary so that the organisers can make all the plans in time, including purchasing food and making arrangements for accommodation at the retreat centre and for the children’s programme.

We look forward to seeing you there. We have had few opportunities to come together in the last couple of years and this occasion will give us the chance to meet together, share satsaunga and plan how we can be of more service to the society.

The event is finished.


Gloucester - Wilderness Centre
Gloucester - Wilderness Centre
Plump Hill, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire. GL17 0HA

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