Yogic Meditation, A journey into bliss

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Yogic Meditation, A journey into bliss

Meditation is a powerful practice with the ability to transform your life. It can balance your emotions and bring you peace of mind, helping you to excel in your daily life. It can put you in touch with your inner self, and connect you to a source of infinite love and bliss that exists within all of us, leading to a sense of development and fulfilment you might not think possible. But don’t take my word for it, come along and experience the magic yourself.
This will be a 6 week course, suitable for complete beginners, and also those looking to go deeper into their practice. We will cover the what, why and how of yogic meditation along with some practical tips that will help you to meditate. The lessons will be a mixture of theory – to help you understand the practice, and the practice itself. you will experience different exercises and learn a powerful technique of meditation, and together we will experience the joy of meditation.
Price: Free, donations accepted
Any questions Contact Atideva on 07462609603 or atideva.mills@amurt.org.uk

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London - Stoke Newington
London - Stoke Newington
3a Cazenove Rd, Stoke Newington, N16 6PA

The London Yoga Centre in Stoke Newington

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